django templates

On workin with my django project, I learnt new things like how to link template to view directly and using forms and using html the right way.
All you need to link a view from template is just pass the view in your action or link. For eg. I have a view called customer and i wish it to be called dierectly through my homepage.
In my homepage, I have a button named as add customer, and the code can be given as:

Add Customer

where customer is the name of a view in my file

The other thing I want to share is to print a homepage, we need to write a seperate view. All we need is to import the generic views from django in
Example, I want to display a homepage having the name hpage.html, Edit the file as:

from django.views.generic.simple import direct_to_template

urlpatterns = patterns('',
url(r'^$', direct_to_template, {'template': hpage.html}),

daily diary- new work

I was really sad at not getting my things done… how hard i tried the results were again the same almost equal to zero but there was no time that i had a feeling that all i am doing or all i have done was in vain may be the output was zero but atleast i learnt what not to do and ehat not to search… presently i am working on my re-entry task and its been almost 2 months that i have got the task stil its no where near to completion.. but i am trying all these days and today i am writing here is that i feel i should so that when i read this again i can again encourage myself to do more. seriously speaking i did a lot in my 6 week training but everything i did was quantitatively large that it became qualitatively small but in these two monts of reentry task, I have learnt all that i should have in my training time … neverthless today i worked on django forms and i have also started doing things on shell. I have learnt a little how to search effectively and which website to choose. I have started posting my questions on django mailing list and stackoverflow… recently installed phpmyadmin and i am working on it. i am really glad with my training period. That was the most fruitful time of my life till now no matter how depressed i was at that time.